

Selamat datang ke laman web SPR Kolej Mara Banting 2009. Anda dikehendaki membaca setiap satu entry yang ada di dalam blog ini agar tidak terlepas sebarang informasi terkini. Harap maklum
Terima kasih.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Muhammad Alhafiz Ghazali
Sharifah Hazirah
Mustaqim Bin Imran
Ahmad Adib Bin Khalil

Friday, September 25, 2009

Penghantaran Borang dan Master Copy

Penghantaran borang dan pengesahan master copy poster kempen adalah seperti berikut :

Tempat : M09K (LR-18) - Tempat briefing yang lalu diadakan
Masa : 8.15 p.m. - 10.45 p.m.
Kepada : Biro Kempen dan Penamaan Calon (Che Farhan, Zuhdi, Aimi Diyana, Nadia Najwa)

Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa borang yang diberikan perlulah dilengkapkan sepenuhnya, dan segala tempat kosong yang ada perlu diisi. Sepatutnya, borang yang diberikan perlu dihantar sebelum cuti raya yang lepas namun atas dasar budi SPR KMB 2009, kami memberi sedikit masa kepada semua calon untuk menghantar borang selepas cuti.

Master Copy pula perlu dibawa sekali ketika menghantar borang. Ini dapat memudahkan semua calon menggunakan poster yang telah disediakan pada keeseokan harinya untuk berkempen.

Segala pertanyaan sila rujuk kepada mana-mana ahli SPR KMB 2009.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Guideline / Syarat-syarat Berkempen

Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa syarat-syarat di bawah perlu dipatuhi oleh setiap calon yang ingin menjadi Ahli Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar sesi 2010.

1. Tarikh berkempen adalah bermula pada 30 September 2009, hari Rabu, jam 7.00 pagi selama 3 hari sehingga 2 Oktober 2009, hari Jumaat , jam7.00 malam.

2. Calon diberikan kebebasan untuk berkempen dengan menggunakan segala medium contohnya seperti Banner, Poster, Majalah, Sebaran Umum dan lain-lain.

3. Segala poster mahupun apa-apa bahan bercetak perlu terlebih dahulu mendapat pengesahan daripada ahli-ahli SPR bertugas.

4. Calon wajib menghantar segala bahan bercetak (master copy) untuk disahkan pada 29 Spetember 2009, hari Selasa, jam 8.15 - 10.45 malam. Sebarang permintaan selepas tarikh dan masa tersebut tidak akan dilayan. SPR berhak mencabut mana-mana poster atau bahan bercetak sekiranya calon gagal mendapatkan kelulusan daripada SPR.

5. Semua poster tidak boleh ditampal di seluruh bangunan akademik, DS, Surau, pusat rekreasi dan tempat-tempat yang digunakan oleh orang awam. Calon hanya dibenarkan berkempen di blok asrama dan di padang permainan dan di mana-mana tempat yang tidak mengganggu ketenteraman orang lain.

6. Bahan-bahan bercetak tersebut wajib diturunkan sebelum 2 Oktober 2009, jam 10.30 malam. Bagi mana-mana calon yang gagal menurunkan bahan-bahan bercetak tersebut, denda sebanyak RM 1.00 akan dikenakan bagi setiap helaian/bahan yang dijumpai oleh pihak SPR.

7. Semasa berkempen, calon dilarang sama sekali memasukkan unsur-unsur berbaur lucah, keganasan, penghinaan terhadap sesuatu kaum dan lain-lain unsur-unsur negatif.

8. Calon juga dilarang sama sekali memburuk-burukkan nama calon lain bagi meraih undi.

9. Calon tidak dibenarkan terlibat dengan aktiviti rasuah, sogokan dan penipuan dalam meraih undi. Jika ditangkap, SPR berhak menggagalkan dan menyingkir calon daripada proses pengundian.

10. Akhir sekali, dalam apa-apa jua keadaan, SPR mempunyai kuasa dan hak dalam menentukan denda dan tindakan yang akan dikenakan terhadap mana-mana calon yang tidak mematuhi syarat-syarat yang telah dinyatakan.

*Kemungkinan besar terdapat perubahan masa berkempen

Sebarang pertanyaan tentang masalah berkempen, sila rujuk :


Oleh : Biro Kempen dan Penamaan Calon

Friday, September 18, 2009

To all VISITORS OF sprkmb2009.blogspot!

(date and time are not confirmed yet)
  • All the year 1 students 09/11 are COMPULSORY to attend the MANIFESTO NIGHT on both two consecutive nights. Those who do not come, actions will be taken against them by MCB.
  • All students must wear appropriate attire. No formal dress code like those the MPP-to-be.
  • If you are the supporter of an individual or a party, you are allowed to wear APPROPRIATE and ETHICAL ATTIRE that might shows your strong and indisputable support as a voter towards the candidates. But keep in mind, any "art designs" on your attire should not touch on any sensitive issues or some kind of abusement towards foes.
  • Banner can be brought up into the hall.
  • When the candidates deliver their speech, audience should not make any noise and listen attentively. Train yourself to be a good listener.
  • Do not tear off other candidates/parties' banners or posters.
  • Please stay away from fights or hinder yourself from riots/ chaos.
  • Audience are not allowed to litter things such as banners, posters etc on the floor mercilessly mess up the main hall. Please keep the hall as clean as possible.
  • Do not disgrace the candidates or the parties competed. Give full support because they are the leaders of tomorrow.
  • To know more about the exact CONCEPT OF ESTABLISHED PARTY in MPP election in MCB, please read through the MPP-to-be rules for the manifesto night.



Tuesday, September 15, 2009



MPP-TO-BE 2009/2010

3 & 4 OCTOBER 2009
*not confirmed yet

8.30 PM-11.00 PM
*not confirmed yet



to all mpp candidates. Here are the rules and regulations for the manifesto night :

rule no #1 : DRESS CODE

the theme this year would be CORPORATE STYLE, and you are allowed to wear BLACK and WHITE only

for guys, it is COMPULSORY for you to wear a songkok for BOTH of the nights

please wear appropriate clothing,nothing too controversial alright :)

But it does not mean that everything from head to toe have to be black and white for example spectacles, watch, brooch and etc. The most important is YOUR ATTIRE SHOULD BE BASED ON CORPORATE STYLE THEME an
d must be in BLACK & WHITE.

rule no #2 : FORMING PARTIES

candidates are allowed to form parties among yourselves (please give the party a name, motto, purpose etc.)

each party consists of MPP CANDIDATES ONLY, your supporters will only get to support you from the audience seating alright (please don't get confused)

the number of candidates in each party is unlimited ( but try not to form a party with too many candidates or else some members may be unnoticed by voters)

The parties established are not allowed to develop a develishly controversial stigma against other parties or candidates competed.

All of you are being urged to compete in a professional manner.


each candidate will be given FIVE minutes of speech time, a bell will be rung at the fourth minute as a warning, and will be rung again at the fifth minute. If your speech exceeds more than the time given, you will be asked to leave the stage. Train yourself to be punctual with time management.

when a candidate is delivering his/her speech, the other mpp candidates will be on the stage as well (sitting down on a chair, in a corner, of course).The arrangement will be informed later. Those who are required to deliver the speech on the respective night will sit on the stage whereas those who are not, you will be seated (not on the stage), facing the members of the floor.

the speech can be given either INDIVIDUALLY, or given together with your party. The time allocated for each group speech is according to how many members the party is consist of. Example, if there are five candidates in a party, the maximum time given for your group speech will be 25 minutes, MEANING that each candidate would still get five minutes each.

even if you are apart of a party, the speech can still be given individually. (five minutes maximum)

candidates can choose whatever style you may prefer to deliver your speech to show how you can CONTRIBUTE to the college (example, you can include singing,performing,going down the stage,video presentations, etc and so on to attract voters) OR just a normal speech would be fine as well BUT STILL IN THE ALLOCATED TIME GIVEN.for candidates who are going include video presentations or slides in their presentation, please inform us

DO NOT include any sensitive issues in your speech

Speak and converse in a good manner without using ANY inappropriate languages.

a draft of your speech must be submitted IMMEDIATELY after the raya holidays,that is on the 30th of september to mustaqim imran (mo9k) or sharifah hazirah (mo9b)


after all the candidates have finished giving their speech for the night, a Q & A session will be opened for the audience to ask questions

questions would be filtered first by the SPR BEFORE the mpp candidates are allowed to answer them

candidates are highly recommended to control your emotions during this session as the questions may be a bit challenging and unexpected but don't worry we all know all of you can handle it. :-)

Please answer exactly as what the questions ask. This would help you to instill the confidence in voters to vote for you.

rule no #5 : YOUR SUPPORTERS

your supporters are allowed to bring banners,posters etc during the manifesto night BUT if they litter the hall,or make mess, YOU WILL BE PENALIZED

please remind them not to disgrace the other candidates

if any of these rules are taken lightly, or are not complied to, candidates will BE PENALIZED


we will start the event anyway. with or without you. so please do not be late. your cooperation is very very important to us.

the very best of luck to ALL OF YOU. a leader is being born, right here, right now. It does not matter who wins, and who loses, the most important thing is that all of you are brave enough to take the challenge that not everyone dares to. all the best!

by: SPR KMB 2009


Monday, September 14, 2009

Borang MPP


Calon-calon diminta untuk menghantar borang yang lengkap selewat-lewatnya pada:-

30 September 2009

Pastikan semua borang telah diisi,
mendapat sokongan daripada setiap guru subjek,
mendapat komen daripada mentor & guru subjek fizik/biologi,
dan disertakan dengan gambar

borang hendaklah dihantar pada

Che Farhan
M09k @ LR18
(kelas taklimat)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

All SPR & MPP-to-be

There may be a change in date and schedules for the manifesto night and election day. Discussions between the advisor of SPR and the director will be carried out first to rearrange the more suitable timeline. But don't worry, InsyaAllah all the processes will be carried out in October a.s.a.p. All the details of the manifesto night will be published on 18.09.09....

MPP's Candidates

Assalamualaikum & Hye

all MPPs' candidates
please write your name & your class
in this comment box


Friday, September 11, 2009

spr 2009

under construction

this blog will be updated soon with info's on campaign week and manifesto night for the mpp candidates, (please log in on the 18th of september)
we wish you the very best of luck!

you can post comments for further inquiries

or add us using yahoo messenger at -mustaqim imran - fariz zaidi -sharifah hazirah - che farhan -aimi diyana